Illustration, Infographics | Digital Marketing Project Manager at DoctorxDentist (May 2020 - Feb 2021)
DoctorxDentist is a free Question and Answer platform where contributing doctors answer all your health questions.

As the Digital Marketing Project Manager, I was involved in a plethora of growth projects that range from Editorial Illustrations, Infographics and UI Design. Besides design-related work, my portfolio also includes project/client management, strategy and Technical/On-page SEO.
Infographics were created to support editorial publications, which were uploaded online as guides. The challenge in this - is to translate complex medical conventions (and treatments) into high quality, sharable infographics so as to increase engagement and (then,) reach. 
With practice, the style of infographics evolved to include even more content, allowing for greater flexibility in illustrations - while keeping to the brand guidelines. 
Here are some notable ones;
(in no particular order)
To see the above illustrations (irl), you may like to head over to DoctorxDentist's Health A-Z

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